CBD Chocolate Chip Cookies

Whole Spectrum CBD Chocolate Chip Cookies

This sweet treat that will satisfy your mid-day or late-night craving, while providing your body and mind with the tremendous wealth of anti-inflammatory and health benefits.

If you are already a fan of CBD, you’re about to be an even bigger advocate of the healthy cannabinoid. Introducing CBD chocolate chip cookies.

CBD, or cannabidiol, is the ultra-therapeutic cannabinoid found in cannabis, providing individuals with all of the therapeutic effects, minus the high. That’s right. CBD is non-psychoactive, so it does not produce the “high” that is associated with the consumption of cannabis.

CBD is all natural and can provide all kinds of relief; consumers and scientific research suggest that CBD helps relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression, and can even improve focus and mood.

This post is your CBD chocolate chip recipe guide. We will go over what CBD chocolate chip cookies are, the key ingredient that makes them so awesome, and how you can make your very own CBD cookies.

What are CBD Chocolate Chip Cookies?

CBD chocolate chip cookies are exactly what they claim to be — chocolate chip cookies that contain CBD. The CBD is typically included in the form of oil or tincture.

The Key Ingredient

In order to ensure your CBD chocolate chip cookies taste great and provide all of the benefits that CBD offers, you can’t use just any CBD oil or product. We recommend a water soluble product, as PCR CBD was created specifically for cooking and baking purposes.

We really like NUHEALTH CBD oil.

The Nutraditionals PhytoCannabinoid-Rich Botanicals is a whole spectrum CBD oil is formulated using an ultra-purified, de-waxed whole-plant CBD concentrate, making it the ideal CBD for baking or cooking. This also means that it is free of chemicals and metals found in other (not so great) CBD products. The CBD oil is bonded to organic vegetable glycerin, creating a sweet, rapidly bioavailable CBD product. It’s also sugar-free, which is a huge bonus.

In addition to using this wonder product for your CBD cookies, you can also add it to water, other recipes, and beverages you drink regularly, such as your favorite cocktail.

The benefits of infusing Nutraditionals CBD oil into your cookie mix are as follows:

  • Improves blood circulation
  • Provides digestive system support
  • Fights off feelings of fatigue
  • Aids in inflammation and metabolism
  • Improves your mood
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